World's first
4WD 1/5,
World's first 1/5 shaft driven RC,
World's only valved shock absorbers...
For 15 years, in MCD, we are combining our experience with
to become a company of the `firsts` As a result of investing
on R&D, we have become a guiding company that sets the standarts in
the industry.
We invite you to take a tour through
the history of MCD Racing and note
the most important milestones in the past.
2021 -
HYDRAX Disc Brakes released.
2020 -
The first 2WD from MCD Racing DUOX released.
2019 -
XS5 MAX released.
2019 -
MCD won the European Championship 2019.
2018 -
MCD won the European Championship 2018.
2018 -
RR5 MAX PRO Available
2017 -
MCD won the European Championship 2017.
2016 -
Ultimate versions released.
2016 -
W5 MAX FT released.
2016 -
MCD won the European Championship 2016.
2015 -
RR5 Ultimate CF Limited Edition released.
2015 -
XR5 Rally released.
2015 -
MCD RR5 finished 2nd in the European Championship.
2015 -
W5 SCT V5 Released.
2014 -
MCD RR5 finished 3rd in the European Championship.
2014 -
XS-5 Super Sport Car released.
2014 -
The Electric Kit developed for V5 Chassis.
2013 -
MCD RR5 Grabbed the first two positions.
2013 -
Race Runner V5 released.
2013 -
Totally new V5 chassis layout developed.
2012 -
First European Championship organized. MCD won the first two positions.
2011 -
W5 SCT released.
2011 -
MCD X4 24 Hour Cup Organized.
2010 -
X4 Rally Released.
2010 -
Cheetah Desert Truck Released.
2010 -
Race Runner V4 won all of the large scale 4WD off-road races in Europe.
2010 -
Race Runner V4 Released.
2009 - The 2009 German
1/5 4WD Cup winners.
2009 - Ice Race won in
2008 - Competitors
getting into 4WD market in 1/5.
- Ice race won in
- The first MCD 24
Hours Cup organized in Bursa.
- The Seat Cup
- The first Race
Runner released.
- The Palio Cup
2003 - Moved to new
plant in Ikitelli.
2002 - The first Monster
Truck released.
2001 - Our own
test-track built.
2001 - The first MCD
race organized in U.K.
- The first car
shipped to U.K.
1998 - New rally class
released in the 1/5 4WD.
1997 - The prototype of
the first 1/5 4WD in the world built.
1994 - MCD founded in a
workshop in Istanbul.