Two Speed Gear Available
The X-Snap Transmission

X-Snap, our new two speed gearbox is available after a long development period. The gearbox allows you to reach higher speeds without compromising the torques at lower speed. Gives you better acceleration and in the same time higher top speed. Adjustable shift point provides the engagement speed for the second gear.
The gear is suitable for our on-road and off-road cars. The correct gear ratio selection must be made in order to use the gearbox. We recommend the ratios for the off-road first gear: 9,14 and for the second gear: 7,62. For the on-road first gear:7,62 and the second gear:6,44.

The X-Snap gearbox consists of 3 total order packs. First is the "Transmission Kit" (the main pack) which is factory assembled, the second is the "Gear Pack" which consists on-road and off-road sets. The third pack is the "Clutch Bell Pack" where you choose either the standard or the Pro-Bite Clutch bell. To order a full set of gearbox the second and the third packs should be decided accordingly.

The X-Snap 2-Speed Transmission will be available for shipping in early September.

Introduction video here.

Order Codes:
270101X X-SNAP 2-Speed Transmission Kit
270201X X-SNAP 2-Speed Gear Set for Off-Road
270202X X-SNAP 2-Speed Gear Set for On-Road / Rally
270301S X-SNAP 2-Speed Clutch Bell for Standard
270401S X-SNAP 2-Speed Clutch Bell for Pro-Bite

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